demi - 2011-01-22 17:16:06

Here are the details ...

Gwiazdunie got today is very important information that you'll be interested to fans of Demi Lovato. Well, the two girls have written a few hours ago that met Demi Lovato in two different locations in Los Angeles.

The first fan reports that she saw a young star during a game of bowling in Bowling Brooke. The other girl reported that she met Demcię when shopping in a supermarket called Target.

Gwiazdunie do not know if a girl tell the truth, but the relationships are independent of each other. It is worth noting that Miss Lovato had to leave the hospital in early January, so you may actually have seen Demusię teenagers.

Meanwhile, not showing ever see an interview with Miss Lovato, which was recorded just before its collapse ... … 2A&cad=rja

What do you think? Do you think that girls actually have seen Demi?